Pagans/Wiccans/Aromatherapy Experts.......................… correspondences of lilac essential oil....?!? - lilac essential oil
Can you tell me the correlation of the essential oil of lavender? Today I bought and I was not sure ... Is not it used to be quiet, to win with fairies, and for meditation? Is that true? Thank you for your time, thoughts and energy! = P
Lila matches are: protection and banishment.
Lavender is used to gain more peace and fairies.
Yes, it is for peace and spirituality. And it is a good anti-bacterial too!
Yes, it is for peace and spirituality. And it is a good anti-bacterial too!
My mother used to make a spray to spray on my side of my insomnia. :)
My mother used to make a spray to spray on my side of my insomnia. :)
These are the traditional uses of the same, yes.
(I would describe the correspondence because it is not what it means, but these are the traditional uses.)
Pagan Wicca are evil and Satan
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