Could I have been infected with HIV? - im a blood sucking drug puffin love muffin asher roth
Ok, I'm very much, really do not know why I'm so afraid to contact with HIV, because I'm happily married. Including drug use, have sexual partners, except my husband. I'm pregnant. I knew they would an HIV test for me would be tested in advance to make sure if I have not received a surprise. Then he ordered an online test for an HIV test in the country. The proof came from China or Japan, and it seems very cheap and not even sure if it works. Do not think that was what did not appear in the photo. I think it could test an impostor. I took it anyway. They were negative, but I also had my exam in the doctor a week later and the results were also negative, as far as I know, have not been exposed to the test with HIV. My question is: Is there a way I could be infected with HIV from a lancet in this house? Plastic pipette, or I used to suck the blood from the finger as part of the test. I read that HIV can not live long outside the body. Im sure that it took several days or weeks or a few get me in the U.S. or China, japone e-mail. I read and study in a laboratory, living with HIV for 15 days, even after drying, but it was a controlled temperature and humidity. If it had been in laboratory quantities in the journal "The Lancet, created"? How long live in high concentrations after leaving the lab? Did not use or appear Lancet, nothing in it to have. Lancet, I, too, in alcohol, before I used to it. But I would not put alcohol used in the pipette to suck the blood from the finger as I was touched my finger in fresh blood and finger prick. Please help me, I'm worried about this, and I do not even know if I am. There are people in this cruel world. You never know.
His concern of contracting HIV from this case is appropriate.
I agree with the previous post of mine.
HIV is not a disease jumping on us. If it was that all were infected. After unprotected sex with a person with HIV or the use of intravenous drugs or contact with blood infected with HIV are ways to reach it. However, the exposure limits are low.
More about HIV.
They have around just in HIV to 100% of any way around it.
Hope this helps
You're just paranoid. Quiet and relaxing. All is well. Making the office of physicians taking the test again to restore their peace. Be careful from now and make sure that your partner is tested. If you think you are cheating dump him. I know how stressful that I have been in your shoes many times.
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