Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Man Dunk Tank Is The Car Explosion In No Country For Old Men Realistic?

Is the car explosion in No Country for Old Men realistic? - man dunk tank

And also, what exactly blow up the air Anton? I know he is a yarn and fabric. immersed in the gas and lit the fire, but I do not have a white cap on the tank as well?


That New Guy said...

I think the white cap was there to simulate a kind of countdown. Without the CAP, the vehicle exploded before they enter the business. The fight against the fire trip to the gas tank and light it.

julius p said...

The limit from May inadvertently served as a timer, but I think it would be included at the beginning of gas as the gas tank would explode. it would be a good thing for people to show Myth Busters to try.

julius p said...

The limit from May inadvertently served as a timer, but I think it would be included at the beginning of gas as the gas tank would explode. it would be a good thing for people to show Myth Busters to try.

julius p said...

The limit from May inadvertently served as a timer, but I think it would be included at the beginning of gas as the gas tank would explode. it would be a good thing for people to show Myth Busters to try.

julius p said...

The limit from May inadvertently served as a timer, but I think it would be included at the beginning of gas as the gas tank would explode. it would be a good thing for people to show Myth Busters to try.

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